Wednesday, April 16, 2014

GPLS Presents Certificate of Appreciation to PIBBA Volunteers

PIBBA Volunteerism at Hagatna Public Library: Pacific Islands Bilingual Bicultural Association (PIBBA) Guam members were awarded with a Certificate of Appreciation on April 15, 2014 by the Guam Public Library System (GPLS) for sharing cultural stories and poems in celebration of Chamorro Month. Pictured L-R: Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, PIBBA Webmaster and UOG Professor, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences; Terry Leon Guerrero Kennimer, GPLS Library Technician Supervisor; Frank Aflague, GPLS Program Coordinator; Antonia Salas, PIBBA Guam Vice President and UOG TESOL student; and Lois Taitano Gumataotao, PIBBA member and LBJ Elementary School ESL Teacher/Coordinator. Not pictured are Benita Lizama; Dr. Arlene Diaz, PIBBA Guam President; and UOG TESOL students Beauty Letewasiyal and Jenny Castro.

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